Welcome to Real Cricket Talent Jaipur
Real Cricket Talent (RCT) formed by Mr. Ravi Prakesh Jhajhara chairman of non profitable organization. We focus on each and every individual player to develop their sporting skill and aptitude. Cricket, is one of the most famous games around the world.
It is the best plateform only for really talented players, who could become future of cricket, which is considered as god of all games in our nation. The players, who play in this Real Cricket Talent, regularly participate in state level cricket tournament, it means, a quality practice and competition will be provided to players. Real Cricket Talent has the motto of giving opportunities to passionate players and has a considerable contribution in increasing level of players.
Real Cricket Talent began with the ideation of a stage that would bring together and enhance the talent of rural and poor population. Athletes who are interested and have an aptitude for the sports of cricket. We believe that rural sections of this huge nation have inborn talent for the cricket sports but opportunity is less for real talented players/youth. One that has not been requisitely exploited…
“The longest Journey starts with, a single step”

What we do..?
Firstly, interested players U14, 16, 19 and 23 must register for our play scheme either in Summer League or in Winter League or in both. On basis of the performance of their journey in Real Cricket Talent Season, we select talented players to prepare them for School Level, Middle & Upper Level Cricket.
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How to improve performance in Matches..?
Maximum Matches should play by the cricketer in most talented environment. We create talented environment. We assemble maximum talented player across India and give a platform to play Talented Vs Talented. Divided by Zone, District and State…. UNITED BY Real Cricket Talent, Participation only by open Trial of U14, 16, 19 & 23.
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Real Cricket Talent promote athletes who are interested and have an aptitude for the sport of cricket. Real Cricket Talent is a platform that aims to identify and focus on hidden talent germinating in the corners of the country. We aim at recognising talent whether it is in metro cities or in villages and bring to the fore. We want to create a community that appreciates skill and promotes talent.
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Real Cricket Talent focuses on creating and nurturing cricketing talent. It offers age specific training focused on building cricketing skills progressively leading to technical specialization especially for Junior Cricketers U14, 16 and 19 through organising a League. All players have a chance to play minimum 3 League matches. When a player performs well in Leagues, their name will automatically upgade for Quarter Final/Semi Level Matches. No extra fees shall be collected for this.It is a purely PERFORMANCE BASED LEAGUE …..Play well go Ahead. As a parent it is your intent to provide the best in class training to your kid. Enroll your kid with us today.
How to make a career in Cricket